Contract Labs

Contract testing labs need to manage their data differently to many other types of labs.

Within contract testing labs the data that is generated is the product the business is selling. It makes sense, therefore, to take every precaution to protect that data.

Samples may undergo a wide variety of tests, using a variety of manufacturers equipment, the results of which will need to be collated into a report for the client.

As all samples are “unknowns” and are to be reported to clients, who make decisions based on this data, strict checks must be in place to prove the suitability of an instrument to perform an analysis.

These QC Tests have defined limits placed on them to approve/reject the reporting of a result and must be recorded for auditing purposes.

These QC results are often held in Shewhart charts that determine acceptance/rejection of a batch or sample result. The charts must be stored so the results can be defended should it be questioned in years to come.

ArDB can hold all the sample results from any manufacturers equipment centrally, making report creation easy.

QC Shewhart charts can be created and managed with sample/batch data plotted on them incorporating an easy to use traffic light system to approve/reject sample results.

If a batch/sample fails then the investigation can be documented against the entry making justification of corrective actions easy during audits.

All of these QC results are linked to the sample data giving easy to follow audit trails alongside User credentials.

Storage and maintenance of data is made easy with ArDB as automatic back-ups are performed to User specified parameters.

ArDB is equipped with tools to enhance the level of service that a contract lab can provide.

Should a long-term client like to see a trend in their data at a sampling site over time this is easy.

If you include metadata (sampling date, location, etc.) you can easily perform a range of statistical tests on these results.

Should an event occur (say a contamination event at a reservoir) and the client wants to visualize the effect on their results across multiple sampling sites, this easy with the tools offered by ArDB.


Rest assured we are always on hand to help. If you would like to get in touch about our software, or just  chat, then please fill in the form below.  Alternatively, visit our Contact Page for further ways to get in touch.

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